Friday, January 21, 2011

Homemade delicious chocolate , yummy~~

bile kita lihat chocolate nie, tentu rase nak gigit-gigit chocolate nie sekarang jugak kan !
sbb it's totally cute even kita xtaw ape sebenarnyer rase chocolate nie !

but chocolate nie totally yummyy ! siyesly it is ! my opinion as a chocolate's lover !

(dgn nada bangga) my bestfriend's mother yang buat taw, mestilah bestt !

yang putih tuh so creamy lhaa , sekali makan tentu nak lagi .

anyone yang nak order boley lhaa tempah kat Liyana at atau pun direct to auntie Jehan kita, !!

ada macam macam jenis . u can see by yourself at her blog !

pada boys yang tengah cari modal nak ushar awek or already have girlfriend and nak buat suprise to her, boleyh lhaa tempah yee .
gurls pown boleyh order tuk makan sendiri atau utk di hadiahkan pada boyfriend , xsalah kan !
for ourselves pown alrite jugak ape ! c( ;

Rainbow Rain ^,~

dulu mase saya kecik kecik, saya suka sangat tengok rainbow ! sangat indah ciptaan Nya . dulu bile ada sesiapa cakap ada rainbow, berlari lari anak keluar rumah tuk tgk rainbow tuh . mama kate, ada pantang orang dulu dulu tentang pelangi . "law jari tunjuk pelangi akan kudung"

kudung taw x ? erm, nak explain pown xreti, buat buat taw aje okay :)
lepas dengar mcm tuh, terus xnak tunjuk rainbow, cume lihat dari jauh aje . ada dongeng yang mengatakan if ada rainbow, ada angel yang turun dari langit tuk bermandi manda . sesiapa yang dapat jumpe hujung rainbow tuh akan dapat jumpe ngn angel . lelaki suke lhaa kan . haha . tapi itu mitos semata . bile da besar, mane nak percaya lagi sume tuh .

rainbow terjadi sbb terbias antara hujan dgn matahari . jadi bile hujan panas selalu ada rainbow . sejak dari dulu, saya suke both of them, rain and rainbow !

tapi, ada something tentang rainbow yang mempengaruhi saya sampai sekarang ! saya sangat suke colour yang berwarna warni n terang ! saya suke warna pelangi . warna warna tuh yang mewarnai hidup saya . kadang kadang orang pelik saya pakai baju pink, jam warna hijau, sweater warna violet, beg warna chocolate . kan x matching tuh ! tapi saya xpeduli sbb saya suke warna campur campur .

saya juge sangat suke mandi hujan dari dulu . saya xpeduli demam atau sakit, asalkan puas dapat mandi hujan . seronok gilerr ! baru teringat yang da lame saya xmandi hujan sejak sambung belajar nie :(

there's a secret about rainbow for me also !
"saya pernah inginkan hujan yang berwarna warni"
saya nak hujan turun dgn macam macam colour yang cantek .
sape kate mustahil ? kunfayakun . hanya Allah aje yang boleyh mengendalikan sume tuh .

**tapi if happen in real, terase pelik pulak kan . cam tanda tanda hari terakhir kita sbgai umatNya pulak . seram lhaa pulak . so xjadi nak minx merepek2 . minx dijauhkan musibah kepada semua :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Take my heart :)

You can take my heart
For a walk on the beach,
You can take my heart
For a little trip,
You can take my heart
Very close to your heart,
You can take my heart
Forever if you like.

But not every heart
Belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be.

I'm the one for you
you're the one for me
you love me as much as I do
when you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you, so please come in
and you love me more and more
and my love grows up with you
and you kiss me more and more
and I kiss you too
and I kiss you too

If I take your heart
I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart
I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart
it's to make it happy
If I take your heart
it's forever close to mine

But not every heart
belongs to any other
You and I

You and I
are meant to be
I'm the one for you
you're the one for me
you love me as much as I do
when you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you, so please come in
and you love me more and more
and my love grows up with you
and you kiss me more and more
and I kiss you too
and I kiss you too

I don't care
I don't care
if I'm again carried away
if you swear
if you swear
to give me your heart in return
I don't care, I don't care!
if i'm again carried away
if you swear
if you swear
to give me your heart in return
to give me your heart in return


She is something =,=''