Monday, February 27, 2012


Menu for today.
Maggi kari berapi 2 bungkus. HAHA.
Semalam dah makan sedap.
Tak tido bercinta dengan assignment.
So nie je la yang sempat nak makan.
Ok saje mengade on9 jap sambil menjamu selera for today.
Movie jom. Bai.

The messy me. okbai.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kims - Outing to Domino's Pizza :)

bergerak ke Gate depan dengan silau :)

lame dah tak kuar same same kan kan. naik pakcik kancil pink lagi kali nie >,<
Domino's Pizza
Ain : Ala lambatnyerr. saya dah lapar nie tak makan pape dari pagi ;(

Takpe. Posing tu penting bagi melupakan waktu yang terluang nak tunggu pizza sampai. HEHE. Bosan.
Pika : Eh kau dah kenapa Apple? Ko buat ape tu? harimau kumbang ke kembang tu? Ko ingat ko buat camtu bajet comel la tu ea. *muke slack, mata tak leh blah.
Mata pika comel !!!
Siti Zulfika Shaudi =,=

Maria Ulfah Mokhtar Ahmad ^^,

Yeay dah sampai. Si pelahap semua pun memulakan tugas >,<

Keperangaian tak senonoh. HAHA. saje je buat sepah kan korang nie. eceh*
Ain : Pika, ko reti tak nak tutup kotak tu ? Law xleh buat, meh la aku buat *muke kerut
Ulfah dah kenyang. @.@
sweet memory again dengan kims.
thanks for cheering me up today.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Kims terjentat

Malam ney semua kims retard.
Semalam pun terjentat jugak.
Sebelum ney pun ! HAHAHA.

Malam ney rumet ulfah semua balik.
So kite enjoy !!!
Lame tak dance same same.
Lame tak nyanyi kuat kuat.
Lame tak tido peluk ramai ramai.

Mlm ney nak buat sume sume tu.
Kan beby beby ku. HAHA.
Kims giler.
Comel sangat~~

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Advices from shadow.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, Apple Kuchikuchi !!!

Please walked away and never turned back. EVER.
It's never can be right.
You know that from earlier, you silly girl.
But why you're still looking for trouble. 

Hey you.
You're upset, don't you ?
You're down, don't you ?
You're losing your self, don't you ?

The real you that I know are not having attitudes like this.
 My heart was broken to see you're hurted.
Why you made your life complicated like this, apple?
I'm very sad to seeing you this way.
I just can't watch your spirit are flying away and you're doing nothing about it.

Do I need to wash your brain like this so that you only can awake?
Be rationalistic lah, perempuan.
For what purpose you're been crying lately?
Being so lembik and cheerfulness.
This is really NOT YOU, apple.

You can do it lah.
BE STRONG, lady.
I know you can. You always can. You always can do whatever you wanna do.
So what's the matter ?
Why you keep saying you can't ?
You can but you just don't want to let it go.

Can't you open your eyes for a while.
Be relax and thinking with your rational mind.
Don't you see ? Don't you know ? Don't you feel ?
YES !! You see, you know and you feel.
But your heart influenced you to ignore all this, right ?

REMEMBER apple !! 
Don't ever forget the rules.
You can, sweetheart.
You still have kiwie, kims and mama in your life.
And you always have me. YOUR SHADOW.
For your own sake, do the right thing, not do things right.
Let it only be your short sweet awesome wonderful memory.
I'm praying for your happiness.

Your imagination friend, 


I love you for what you are. Please bring back my smiling apple.
Let your self busy. 
Please don't ruined your dreams.
Ingat mama.Ingat abah.Ingat family.Ingat diri sendiri.


Jodoh itu rahsia Allah.

SEHEBAT mana kita merancang,
SEKUAT mana kita setia,
SELAMA mana kita menunggu,
SEKERAS mana kita bersabar,
SEJUJUR mana kita menerima.

Jika ALLAH tidak menulis JODOH kita bersama dia, kita tetap tidak akan bersamanya.
Kerana tulang rusuk dan pemiliknya TAKKAN PERNAH tertukar dan akan bertemu PADA WAKTUNYA.


Engkau kurniakan aku kekuatan.
Berikan aku petunjuk dan hidayah Mu.
Jika benar apa yang aku lakukan, Engkau permudahkanlah.
Jika salah, Engkau lepaskanlah semuanya dengan cara yang baik.

Berikan kepastian dan keyakinan untuk aku terus melangkah.
Tunjuk kan jalan mana yang sepatutnya dan sebaik baik untuk aku.
Hilangkanlah khayalan dan impian yang ada.
Jika dia memang bukan untukku.
Dan aku bukan dicipta dari tulang rusuknya.

Truly truth.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy 47th Birthday, MAMA.

This pictures are taken when we were celebrating my mom's birthday last year on 29th July 2011. Kesian abah. Chill la bah. Pinjam mama kejap je kot. Pas tu pulang balik kat abah haa g la dating puas puas sane. Anak anak pun nak raikan mama jugak kan. HEHE. Rindu !!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Laying down.

I wanted so badly to lie down next to him on the couch, to wrap my arms around him and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of phrase. But I lacked a courage and he had a girlfriend and I was gawky and he was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and he was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and he was hurricane.

*John Green*

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Quote for My Dear Self :

Be a woman a man needs,
not the woman that needs a man.

If he doesn't respect you,
then you deserve better.

For real lady holds her head high,
but never her nose.

You're beautiful and no one has rights
to tell you you're not.

A smile is the prettiest make up
any girl can wear.

Tell a girl she's beautiful,
she'll believe it for a moment.

Tell a girl she's ugly,
she'll believe it for a lifetime.

Cover up. 
Being a mystery is more sexy
than showing every inch of yourself off.

Being single doesn't mean you're weak,
it means you're strong enough to wait
for what you really deserve.

If he leaves or give up on you,
do remember, it's his lost, not you.

A lady knows her limits no matter what,
stick to your guns.

Never lose your faith in finding
your perfect someone.

Don't fall for a guy who isn't willing
to catch you.

Embrace your flaws and be true
to who you really are.

Every day is a fashion show
and the world is your runway.
So always dress your best and walk
with confidence.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cik ben.

Ben dah sihatt !!!
rindu rindu rindu rindu rindu sangatttt~~~~
bile lagi boleh jumpe ko ben.
sejak ko accident aku tak pernah jumpe ko kan.
nak melawat ko asek tak menyempat aje.
sumpah rindu ko, si gilerr !!
aku dengar ko makin gemuk lepas operation.
asek makan tido makan tido je kan.
sekarang ko dah sihat ea ben.
aku rase penyakit ko masih ada la ben.
penyakit giler bergambar ko tu.
sakit sakit pun ko nak bergambar kan.
muke bajet bajet comel je ko nie.
eceh marah ! mmg ko comel la cik ben.
uben = ulu bentung.
tak boleh blahhh. HAHAHAHA.
harap lepas nie boleh jumpe ko cium cium ko ben.
tersasul sasul ko tu aku akan ingat sampai aku tua.
bising ko gelak tawa ko giler giler ko tu.
sumpah lain bile ko takde kat sini.
masing masing plan nak ke situ sane bile ingat keadaan ko, sume cancel.
sbb taknak ko terase ko tak dapat join same.
nanti ko betul2 dah sihat, kite g mengembara same same lagi ea.
jangan lupe aku taw FARAH ABDULLAH.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Makan Besar.

all cooked by Apple Kuchikuchi :)

#ape ingat aku takde talent ke memasak. jgn pandang tak bukak mate. HEHE.

*rindunyer mase nie. mama and abah masih kat Mekah kerjakan haji. aku pulak dah nak abes cuti sem. jadi konon-2 nyer nak belanje siblings makan besar. tapi version masak sendiri. seronok tengok dorang dapat makan puas2. lepas aku balik kampus, kesian dorang makan megi tiap hari or makan luar. mana tak nyer. chef dah sambung blaja balik. lapar ar tengok makanan nie. this is around akhir bulan november 2011 kot law tak silap. power tak power tak? nampak sedap kan kan. MEMANG SEDAP !!! hahahha. perasan. rindu. okbai.