Sunday, July 3, 2011

Si bumbum.

ini lahh bumbum kesayangan saya sekarang.

month of birth : March 2011
mixed : Parsian mix Maine Coon
sex : male
about self : cute, hyper-active, love walking around, doesn't like to be touch, sleepless, listen to people, like to miawww-2 to my mom, sleep with entire people dalam rumah.
bergilir-gilir ^^,

P/S : kan best kalau semua orang sayang saya macam sayang kat si bumbum nie. haha. ngok ngek!!


  1. damn! bulu dy .. mak erh~ kalau gua dapat ni pearl ..
    gua korek2 bulu dia buat selimot. hahah!

  2. e....comellllll sgt2.....aku geram tgk dy...
    spe nme dy?????bumbum ye??????alo2.....nk gk..
    (0_0) hehehehehe

  3. aqimceplos :
    haha. memang tak lah aku nak bagi ko. nanty tak pasal-2 ko siat bulu dia T_T''

    adeq :
    taw tape. aah bumbum si comel. sumpahh kiutt cam aku~~~
